Member-only story
Watching the night sky made me feel incredibly small
Last night I was watching the night sky from our garden. Since we live in a rural area far away from any large city, this view is spectacular. An unbelievable beauty surrounds us. The gleaming band of the Milky Way and the uncountable number of stars. Shooting stars cross over the sky and fade quickly. And additionally, there are man-made things like satellites and planes.
Immersing in this wealth of beauty made me suddenly feel incredibly small. What surprised me the most: I felt a physical sensation like cold or heat. Looking up into the night sky produced this overwhelming impression. And it provoked a train of thoughts.
Do we need to connect to our surroundings more often? What happens to people in the cities that cannot share this experience? As humans, we have the unique capacity to create our own surroundings. We can choose where to live. Mankind has even made it to the moon — at least for a couple of days. Have we distanced ourselves too far from our roots?
Maybe the hybris that an increasing number of people have felt in the last years and that Corona has brought into the bright daylight has its cause in the artificial surroundings, so many of us are living in today.
Not everything we do know is always present. We need to confront reality sometimes to recall this knowledge. Like we come to another, deeper connection with our body when we meditate, we can reach a deeper relationship with the universe.
I know that there are scientific, rational explanations for the existence of the world. But the sheer size that can be felt in the sky lets me be convinced of a creator. I cannot believe that this beauty and size are the results of random circumstances.